Thirty days of advocating for kids with cancer is what it is all about. During these 30 days, we ask that you tell your friends, tell your neighbors, post to Facebook, or send out a tweet. Make noise and stand up to childhood cancer— our kids need us to be their voice.
Review our Childhood Cancer Facts page and educate yourself on the raw facts and the lack of funding for children battling a monster. Then, after you make yourself aware of the statistics and data, ask yourself this gut-wrenching question:
What if my child was diagnosed with cancer today? How vital is cutting-edge childhood cancer research at that moment?
Today, 46 families will hear, “Your child has cancer.”
Today, 46 families will turn to the internet and find out that a lack of funding and research will make their child’s battle much harder. It is time to take a stand and change this paradigm.
Here are 14 things you can do to raise awareness for childhood cancer:
Educate yourself on the facts surrounding childhood cancer
Post to Facebook.
Turn your Facebook cover and profile picture gold (the childhood cancer color)
Send out a Tweet.
Donate whole blood and platelets for the kids needing transfusions to keep them alive.
Donate money to Pierce Phillips Charity. In addition to funding research we also support local families who need assistance with bills, groceries and more while their child is waging a war against cancer.
Like us on Facebook. Also like People Against Childhood Cancer (PAC2). We will keep you current on what is happening throughout the year with childhood cancer.
Know where your donations are going. Many claim to support childhood cancer and/or childhood cancer research but we highly encourage you to do a little digging, you will be surprised. Pierce Phillips Charity is an all-volunteer charity and 100% of our proceeds go directly to funding childhood cancer research and supporting local families whose child is battling cancer.
Your local Ronald McDonald House could use toiletries, snacks, cleaning supplies and kitchen basics. Next time you are at Sam’s, pick up a few things and drop it by.
Get swabbed and save a life. You, yes YOU, could be a potential bone marrow match and the answer to someone’s prayer. You could be their miracle.
In memory of the children who have earned their angel wings, pick up the phone or send a letter to their parents. Share a memory and let them know you remember their child and that they are still loved.
Know someone in treatment? Make a difference in their life: make them dinner, mow their lawn, babysit a sibling, etc. Treatment periods are long, isolating and very tough on families.
Share this list to everyone you know. Again, be their voice and make a stand. Kids cannot fight cancer alone.